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    Financial Ratings
Old Republic Insurance Company has consistently demonstrated solid financial performance and has been rewarded as such with stellar financial ratings:

A.M. Best A+ XI

Moody's A2

Standard & Poor's A+

DISCLAIMER - Rating determinations made by rating agencies are subject to change from time to time. While the Company attempts to show accurate information, it cannot assure the reliability of ratings referred to herein and assumes no obligation to monitor the ratings of any rating agency or to immediately incorporate any rating changes applicable to the Company.

Corporate Governance

Old Republic Risk Management is committed to conducting its business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with high standards of business conduct. In managing its business, the Company is mindful of the public trust with which it is vested. The Company strives to maintain high standards of accuracy, completeness and disclosure in its financial dealings, records and reports. These standards are intended to protect and serve the multiple interests of policyholders and the beneficiaries of their insurance policies, as well as those of the Company's employees, Parent Company and other stakeholders. To these ends, Old Republic Risk Management adheres to the Code of Conduct and Ethics adopted by all members of the Old Republic International Corporation family of companies.


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© 2011 Old Republic Risk Management, Inc. A subsidiary of Old Republic International Corporation
445 S. Moorland Rd., Suite 300 Brookfield, WI 53005 Tel: (262) 797-3400 Fax: (262) 797-0486